is the common man so oblivious to his own emotions, his own
thoughts... His own existence and beliefs? I have always pondered
similar questions. I have asked myself how I could not find the value
in valuable possessions, how I never saw joy in entertainment, or how
I never saw any interest in celebrities or in sports. I found myself
to be different from the others all throughout my life. Whether a
possible genetic trait or whether it was a simple matter of influence
from my father that I developed at a very young age, I'm not sure.
my question goes then, am I so different? In such cases I could list
many traits about myself that might answer the question without
giving me any real insight as to not how but why I am so different. I
am not familiar with advanced neurological or psychological analysis
or methods, if you could call it that, so in order to gain insight
into my unique qualities I looked into the minds of others.
a very young age (eleven) I began systematically forming experiments
and questions to ask random peers. I first formed hypotheses as to
why people acted as they did and the more I thought, the quicker I
learned. I rediscovered the concept of Socratic Irony without
formally reading about it and although I was all too knowledgeable
about society I began to distance myself from people, something I
would later regret, and engage in Socratic Irony rather than engage
in social activities.
pretended to be completely ignorant about social structure in a
successful attempt to motivate people to think about their behavior
by asking them questions about society or social behavior and create
one of three scenarios. 1) The person asked with the thought
provoking question finds an irrationality or contradiction or perhaps
a fear hidden in their behavior and yells at me angrily telling me it
is an inappropriate question. 2) They find themselves at a crossroad
with themselves regarding their beliefs and they themselves figure
out things regarding their inner state through these questions as I
ask them. Or 3) They provide a superficial answer that although is
irrational is the most commonly practiced (and responded) answer.
began to understand people. I knew how they thought, what they
thought, why they thought about it. But it is only now that I ponder
a very specific question. Why do people love to consume but hate to
think? I see it as a rather big jump to a very different but not
unrelated question. I will start to answer that question by defining
consuming and accordingly, analysis.
in this case is the act of one of three: Reading and interacting in
near content-deprived memes or trends, if you will. A major instance
of such consumption would be Facebook, where most people (this
statement is based on first hand experience and empirical evidence)
engage in mindless posts and comments if simply to take up the time
or perhaps because it is a popular trend like posting pictures of
cute 'pups' or what it known as Facebook likes. Another major
instance of this might be religion, but that is a controversial and
very fragile and touchy subject.
form of consumption is physical consumption. This is a mainly
feminine aspect of consumerism but applies to men as well in
different circumstances. This form of consumption involves buying
physical goods such as clothes or perhaps a service like a nail
painting at a salon. This aspect of consumerism is often associated
with the social necessity of showing off to friends or keeping up
with the latest trends or sometimes even with the psychological joy
of buying and having possessions.
third form of consumption is perhaps the most psychologically basic
and influencing. Giving in to whatever the media tells you or rather,
spoon feeds you in order to not go through through the psychological
process of thinking and to a greater extent, introspection. Though it
may sound a little straightforward, I do believe that is the case in
at least, the U.S. Though this is not a political/sociopolitical
essay, I find it a rather explanatory side note that I conducted a
survey which showed that people who weren't sociologically involved
or rather, at least familiar with the concept of media corruption and
mass hypnosis (the phrase I use for the concept that the media
companies purposefully try to 'stupidify' people by spamming them
with consumer opportunities) were far more oblivious to life in
general and often looked upon learning as a chore. Back to the
subject at hand, however, the third form of consumption is the most
powerful and influencing of the three as it blocks the ability of
critical thinking by getting the mind used to mere consumption and
prejudice and the view that introspection is a difficult (which
indeed it is difficult) and meaningless task.
thinking is what drives the interest to learn and perhaps could be
called the basis of intellectualism as a whole. This is the reason
why I ask the question: Why do people love to consume but hate to
think? I believe that in my analysis of the three (main) types of
consumerism I answered part of that question. To complete my answer,
I will describe a possible scenario that is likely not the main
course of mental and emotional growth in my generation but does fit
what I have seen in my peers and friends.
(a play on words in Latin for wise) has just been born. The year is
1997 and his parents are rushing over something called the Internet.
Soon they realize that unlike how they learned in their generation,
Sapios is going to be able to learn anything at all right from the
PC! Sapios is three now and his parents are very happy and excited.
He sees them bring in a big rectangular box with buttons on it. They
spend a lot of time on it and they start showing him how to use it
too. He's amazed that he can play games on a screen with buttons.
This behavior progresses until 2008. He's eleven and loves video
games and TV. He's not doing any real thinking outside of school but
who can blame him? He's ten and besides, TV is 'more fun than
school'! Sapios' parents are very spiritual and tell themselves that
they will start to teach him critical thinking and then philosophy
and science. But suddenly, this thing called the Iphone comes out.
Sapios pleads his parents to buy it for him and eventually, they do.
His friends all have Facebook, so he think he should too. Then Sapios
learns about all these games and fads on the Internet and he begins
to start thinking less and consuming more. Sapios is twelve when his
parents start making him introspect. The subject doesn't interest
Sapios. It's boring and it's LEARNING. Better to hang out. Sapios
decides he will skip the lecture today and go to smoothie place with
his friends and his new crush, Elizabeth.
parents are distraught. They can't get him to talk to them, to trust
them or to do what they say. They see rebellion but are surprised.
What did they do wrong? They always gave Sapios what he wanted,
trusted and respected him and his space. This is more or less the
scenario (albeit most parents are not spiritual but would like you
all the same to study) that I see with frequency. It is in this
manner (at least that's how the theory goes) that people are brought
into the media system and the Buddhist American concept of "the
wheel of consumerism". It is a joke, but all the same, it is how
my generation's story goes.
conclude everything, you should always be aware of what it is your
studying or posting and perhaps make a change of pace and introspect
for a while. It'll clear your mind and help you understand many
friend and teen philosopher, Alejandro Rocha